Mon - Thurs: 7:00am - 5:30pm
Closed daily from Noon - 12:30pm for lunch
Fri - Sun: Closed
Driving Directions:
Located on the corner of 6th & Horton.
Our Services Include:
Family Planning - Breast Exam, Pap Smear, Lab Work, Sexually Transmitted Disease testing, Blood pressure screening, hemoglobin, blood sugar & birth control if desired.
Immunizations - Walk-In Clinic is every Monday or you can schedule an appointment.
KanBe Healthy Screening - For Kancare eligible children up to 18 years of age. Full physical, hear & vision screenings, developmenal screenings and lab work.
Healthy Start Home Visitor - Provides home visits to pregnant mothers and parents of newborns. Provides parents with resources and referrals for various assistance programs they are eligible for.
Adult Physicals - Basic adult physical provided by registered nurse for employment purposes. Physicals also provided for State of Kansas foster care or adoptions.
Childhood Physicals - Physicals for public schools, daycares, Headstart or preschool. Full physical, hearing & vision screens, lab work. No Athletic Physicals.
Blood Pressure & Glucose Checks - We will monitor blood pressure/blood glucose and keep a record for you.
Pregnancy Tests - Provided for $15.00. Referrals to SRS, WIC, HSHV, and family doctor are provided.
WIC - Women, Infant, & Children State Program to help promote the healthy development of children.
SexuallyTransmitted Disease Testing & Treatment - We will test for and treat gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.
Lab/Blood Draws - Cholesterol, diabetes, drug screens, pregnancy, CBC, Thyroid, prostate. Lab tests are on a cash basis and with a physician order.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701 – (620) 223-3566 –