Dragoon Charge Ride for Wreaths Across America
First Annual Dragoon Charge Ride for Wreaths Across America
Registration 8:30am to 10:30am
Kickstands up @ 11am
Buck Run Community Center parking lot, 735 Scott Ave.
$35 per bike & $15 for passenger
There will be 5 stops on the ride. Last bike in @ 5pm, Holmtown Pub, 206 N. National Ave. in Fort Scott.
This poker run will have 5 cards drawn at the end of the ride, prizes for the top 5 hands.
Additional details contact Tom Metcalf Jr. 620-224-7951 or Brian 620-644-2914
Proceeds go to Wreaths Across America
Facebook @dragoonchargeforwreathsacrossamericaDate and Time
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
8:30 AM - 8:00 PM CDTTell a Friend