Johnnie Walker Auction
The "Legendary" Johnnie Walker AuctionSaturday March 22nd 2025 at 10:00 AM1472 215th St Fort Scott, KS 66701DIRECTIONS: From 54 HWY west of Fort Scott. Turn North onto 215th street. Go North approximately 1 mile auction location on West side of road. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS. Lots of parking on east side of road.As seen on American Pickers up for auction some of Johnnie Walker's collection. Lots of antiques.ANTIQUE TRUCKS, CARS & TRACTORS: 1949 Sea-grave fire ladder truck with 12 cylinder Mercedes Benz motor, 1946 Dodge 4 door w/ suicide doors, 1951 Dodge 1 ton pickup (complete), McCormick Deering Farmall F20, Oliver 88 Row crop (good tin), 1951 Pontiac Straight 8 2 door (has all the chrome), John Deere A tractors, John Deere B tractor, 1930's Ford frame, Buick frame w/ wooden spoke wheels, International Cub Cadet 123 Hydrostatic garden tractor, 1950's Dodge Coronet 4 door, 1930's Ford 1 ton, 1940 Ford Super Deluxe 8 2 door, Panzer Tractor T70ES, 1958 Chevy pickup bed trailer, Studebaker 2 ton truck, Studebaker pick-up bed trailer,AUTO PARTS: Early truck dump bed, 16" & 20" spoke wheels, Late model corvette suspension, Lots of hoods, doors, bumpers, fenders & other various parts from 1930's & up cars & trucks.SIGNS & ADVERTISING PIECES: Hotel entrance sign & Hotel office sign (both from Ranch house hotel FT. Scott), Cast iron Mercury boat motor stand, Budweiser large plastic double sided signs, Bush large double sided signs, Ash Grove White Lime porcelain sign, X marks the spot auto insurance metal sign, Student driver double sided metal sign, Royal Blue Shoes porcelain sign, Pride program metal sign, Citizens National Bank double sided light up sign, South Western Bell sign, Independent Oil & Gas Co. can, CocaCola logo metal off coolersANTIQUE IMPLEMENTS & HORSE DRAWN: Avery Thrasher, IH manure spreader, Sickle bar mowers, Dump rakes, Seed drill, John Deere 2 row planter, WW1 Army trailer, Tumble bug, Horse trotting cart, 4 wheeled horse carriageBOAT & BOAT MOTORS: Charger 24ft boat w/ Merc-Cruiser strait 6 motor & Trailer (was on the water 2024), Air Boy air boat motor, Elto Light twin outboard motor "Evinrude". Evinrude outboard motor.MISC. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Bourbon Co. Kansas antiques licence plates 1913-2002, Cast iron columns (Fort Scott foundry & Eagle foundry) Cast iron door thresholds (Fort Scott foundry), East St. Louis Illinois Rail Road track switch (2), Rail Road track lights, Fire extinguisher cart, Gate marked W Cast iron kettle, Rail Road baggage cart, Oil lubers, Large spot light, Gas pump shells, Lots of Oil cans un-opened, Standard plus ignition cabinet, Allen automotive tester w/ Jager Automotive logo, Ford Distributor Stroboscope, Champion 400 forge blower, Bally products Midway Tornado Baseball arcade game 25 cent machine, Antique fire hydrants (4), 300 lb bridge anvil, Vulcan 80 lb anvil, 150 lb anvil, Rail Road Porcelain light shade, Antique gas light, Windmill tail,MISC.: Commercial carb board compactor, Galvanized turkey feeder, Outhouse. 40ft bi-fold airport hangar doors.AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This is one of many auctions. Large all day auction. Food & Refreshments provided by Fort Scott's 10U Mud Turtle Softball team. Lots of items not listed will be putting updated on website when available. Loader available day of auction.TERMS: Cash, Good Check or Credit Card (w/ 5% fee). All items must be paid for & removed day of auction. Not responsible for accidents. All statements made day of auction take precedence over written material.Lance Anderson 620-215-6864Mike Lauber 417-439-0328Johnnie Walker AuctionDate and Time
Saturday Mar 22, 2025
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDTTell a Friend