The 42nd annual bicycle “Race Across America” will pass through Fort Scott this week, according to a press release.
The bicyclists will cross the length of the American continent, over 3000 miles from Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean, stopping to sleep only when necessary. The average sleep time for a solo is 2-3 hours per day.
Along the route, they pass 54 time stations, spaced approximately 50 miles apart, where their crew must call RAAM headquarters to report the rider’s or team’s arrival time and any other important news.
The Fort Scott Time Station 30 is the 1,778.6 Mile mark.
“Our family runs the time station (Time Station 30) for Race Across America,” said Kristi Hudecek-Ashwill. “We’ve been doing it since 2015 and have entertained hundreds of cyclists and crews from all over the world.”
The family runs the time station from their house at 21 N. Caldwell, Fort Scott.
“We provide a place for the racers and crews to rest, get some food and water, use the bathroom, and we provide escort service to any stores they might want to go to and to Buck Run (Community Center)for showers,” Kristi said. We also fly their nation’s flag on Wall Street and cheer for them as they approach. It is a festive atmosphere and many racers and crew members have said this is the best time station on the route.”
The community provides for the visitors as well.
“Walgreens provides water, Fort Cinema provides popcorn, Taco Bell provides tacos, Dominos provides pizza, and the refrigerator is provided by Rent-A-Center, 4-States Sanitation provides trash bins,” she said. “In addition, Buck Run lets racers and crew members take showers there.”
“Martin also has a small repair shop here where he fixes their bicycles if they need him to,” she said. “He’s a bike mechanic and has an array of tools that the bike mechanic on the team may not have.”

“Race Across America is an annual international 3000+ mile bicycle race that starts in Oceanside, California and ends in Annapolis, Maryland and runs right through Fort Scott,” she said. “The solos have to make it in 12 days while the teams have to make it in 9 days. There are various times for women and older riders and teams, but the finish times are all around the numbers given.”
This year their are 31 solos and 16 teams.
“One of the teams is a four-man team from Germany in the age category of 80-84,” she said. “They have nine days, 12 hours provided they leave with the solos.”
“The race starts on June 13 and we expect the first rider to arrive on June 18 or 19, depending on how things go in the desert.”
By June 22, all riders should be through the area.
“It gets so hot out there (in the desert) that sometimes the riders succumb to the heat and end up not finishing the race. The forecast for this year is that it’s supposed to be cooler and, if that’s the case, there won’t be as many DNF’s and this time station will be very busy. We are every year, but this will make it even more so.”
“DNF means Did Not Finish,” she said. “Nobody wants that, but it does happen often during this race.”
The time station in Fort Scott will be staffed with enthusiastic volunteers and provide a festival-like atmosphere for spectators of all ages and the traveling group of racers and crews as they pass through the community, according to the press release from Ashwill.
The manned time station is located at 21 N. Caldwell and is an open house to all racers and crew, she said.
“Race officials are invited to take their sleep at the Time Station 30 house instead of spending money at a hotel or sleeping in their cars, which is the majority case,” Ashwill said. “In 2015 we opened our house for the event and the racers and crew loved it. It is the first time that the Race Across America actually had a house opened up to them.”

“This is the only time station that has been in RAAM movies, one of which was shown at the AMC Theater in Olathe,” Kristi said. “The movies have been on airlines and have been shown all over the world.”
To learn more:
Facebook Page
https://www.facebook.com/ raamtimestation30
You can track the racers LIVE by going to: https://www.raamrace.org/live-tracking